Monday, March 10, 2008

Julius Caesar

As some of you may know (Laina, and no, I don't think you know) I am throwing a party on the 15th of March to celebrate your favorite day of the year! No, not St. Patrick's Day, but The Ides of March! Infamous for hosting Julius Caesars murder! Anyway, this is not your ordinary party! Not only will I be the host, but I have written (am currently writing) a play! I call it Julius Caesar! (not to get confused with Shakespeare's rotten version). Currently I have two pages written, in double spacing! I have no idea where to go with the play now, so I think I will sleep on it and wait for ideas to flow into my mind during sleep! I am excited! In fact, my play may skip the stage entirely and go straight to motion picture! Can you believe it? Neither could I (until my friend mentioned it to me)! What a great idea! My first ever movie! Soon I will be making it big time in no time! 

Besides that exciting event I have nothing to mention. Cheer for the movie/play if you will!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Decisions Running Wild

Well, as the months keep on coming, so does the time to which my decision has to be made about where to go to school. BYU or Utah. Every since about fourth grade I have wanted to go to BYU, but never imagined I would get accepted in. I figured that since all of my siblings went to the U, I would be destined to go that same way. Now that I have been accepted into BYU, I don't know where to go to school! So I will make a list of reasons to go to BYU and reasons to go to Utah:

Live on campus (probably) 
Make lots of new friends and have fun opportunities. 
See what life is like living away from home.
I have always enjoyed their sports programs.
Atmosphere will make me better prepared for a mission.

Live at home for free with free food.
Get to be with my brother for the year between his return and my mission.
Get to be with my current friends.
Can grow a beard.

One of the main problems that I have with going down to BYU is that I am scared that I will lose all of the close friendships that I have made during high school. People like Kendal, Evan, and James will still be good friends, but we won't be hanging out anymore because we live in different cities. I am scared that I will become friendless. I also have feared that if I choose to go to the U before my mission that I will stay there after I get home from my mission. So it is pretty much choose now what school to go to for the rest of my college time. I cannot decide! 

Another one of the main problems about going to the U is that I don't feel like I'd fit in real well and I wouldn't have a very fun time. As I have grown up a true blue BYU fan, football and basketball (or any sporting event) games would be dull for me. 

I just don't know what to do :(. Please help me if you have any advice.