Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Well I don't really know what happened to my last entry, but it didn't paste what I wanted it to paste. Well anyway, this is just letting everybody know that I am firm on my decision to go to BYU now that I have had a chat with my parents and sister. I was worried about making new friends, but I guess I will. Thanks for your support everybody! 

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Tonight while feeding the bird at my Opa's a thought popped into my head. The thought may be a little crazy, but if it weren't, it would be boring. It went a little like this: 

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bad Movie

I never saw this movie, and I never want to. Ever.

AP Testing

Well I have nothing to do right now, so I will write a blog! New in May, The AP English Test! Hurrah! Actually I am not excited for this, but if I pass it will get me through one year of english in college. Anyway, today I went to a study session and boy was it tough. I am no genius when it comes to writing papers, and so I am worried. Plus we took this sample test that I did poorly on. So I am worried about it. But I guess all I can do is try. That is all. 

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Laina has inspired me to write a new blog for the first time in over a month! I have really been slacking! Well I just want to say what has happened in my life and a few thoughts about it. 
First things First:


My final decision thanks to numerous amounts of people with advice and logic, I have chosen to head down South for the fall semester! I know what you're thinking, "why would he chose to go to Snow College", well folks, sorry to disappoint, but by south I mean Provo. I am excited to go to BYU! I will be the first person in my family to go there! I don't know if I will go there for all four years of college or not, but I will see if I like it and then decide! This has actually been a very tough decision for me because it will be sad to leave home, and I love walking around the U campus, but I think BYU will be so much fun. 


Well as some of you may know, there is this girl who I have spent a lot of time with lately! Her name is Marcie for those who don't know. Well, the first big step has been taken in forming a relationship. I have worked my Colin Magic and it has paid off. She likes me! I am very excited about this bit of news as you can tell by my extra excited emotions as of late! Well, I guess this weekend is the big weekend to "make a move" so to speak. Anyway, I am way excited about her, but what is funny, is that I think my mom may be as excited or even more excited than I am! It is silly, really, to think that my mom could possibly be as excited as me, but then again it is my mom! So I will update this as soon as something (or possibly nothing) happens. 


If you have read my sisters blog, or wrote it, then you know that I have a birthday coming up! This could possibly be my last birthday before my mission, but doubtful because I assume I will have my 19th birthday and then go on my mission (thats usually how it works)! But strange, to think that my mission is but a year away! How quickly time goes! I am way excited!