Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Three Month Count-Down

Today is May 26, 2009. This means that in three months, from right now, I will have entered the MTC about an hour ago. For those of you who don't know what the MTC stands for, it stands for Missionary Training Center. While there I will learn Russian, study scriptures, eat, sleep, exercise, pray, and study study study some more! I am excited for this and I remember a month ago thinking, "wow, I still have four months." Not much has changed. Now I think "wow, I still have three months." Sometimes it seems like it will never come and that my life will just carry out in this state of limbo forever.

Also, to make note of, my missionary farewell will be the 23rd of August. I think this is great because as most of you know, I was born on the 23rd at 7:23. So there are lots of important 23's in my life. I sometimes think this is foreshadowing of some great sports achievement in my life. Jordan, Lebron, Colin.

I don't really have much more to say besides that I am sure the three months will fly by faster than I expect. Before you know it, there will be no more "The Wolfgang Story." Instead it will be Letters of Solice written by Elder Matthes as scribed from the MTC and Ukraine.

Ta ta!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Short Post

I haven't written on here in weeks! Not that a lot has been going on recently. Amberlee moved away, school ended, Laina had a baby, Rudi had a birthday, and tomorrow is pay day.

I actually don't really know what to say besides the last two weeks I have felt down and its for a few reasons I guess. I am starting to feel better now so life will be well in time! That is all I have to say.