Monday, July 6, 2009

My Travel List

Here is a list of ten places I want to visit throughout my life, just for fun. Again, these are not in order of importance to me:

1. The Savannah in Africa and go on a Safari. .
2. Travel to Iceland, explore, hike, and enjoy!
3. Germany. I have to visit the homeland.
4. Italy. It is Italy, you have to love the history and culture.
5. Greece. So far the list is pretty normal for most people, but normal is alright and so is Greece!
6. Jerusalem. Lots of history and religious significance.
7. Egypt. The pyramids would be spectacular and well, there are more than just pyramids there!
8. Australia. Its a land unlike any other place on Earth.

Now these last two are left blank because I am not sure yet. I want to find two places that will be fun for many reasons, so I will have to do my research on the matter and I will post them sometime!

A Mission And A Life

So my blog has been dying the last few months from lack of substance and posts! I will have to spill my heart out on these pages so that I can make up for lost time.

So recently everybody has been going on missions, that is everybody besides those who haven't, myself included. But life is strange for me right now. It is sort of like I am in a freeze frame while everybody else is moving on with their lives. Its not that I don't like this, it is just different. I enjoy looking at other people and seeing them plan for their lives and for next semester and their lives just carry on, but mine will be spend studying Russian, the gospel, and living in Provo for three months. I really am so excited to go, it just still seems forever away. But everyday it draws nearer, the shadow of a relatively unknown lifestyle looms larger. I am excited to go to Ukraine for mulitple reasons and these are them in no order of importance, just as they pop into my head. First, I have never been out of the country and this will be a great experience for me. Second, I know relatively little about Ukraine and I will become a pretty good expert on it by thye time I return. Third, I get to learn Russian, a challenging language, but a skill that will stick with me the rest of my life. Fourth, I get to be a missionary! This has been a goal of mine since I can remember, well actually maybe since I was about ten. Before that, the prospect of leaving my family for two years seemed unimaginable. Fifth, I get to teach a message that will bring true joy to others and that I love with all my heart. This could probably fit into number four, but I decided that it deserved its own number. Sixth, I will get to learn skills that will help me throughout my life. Cooking, studying, working hard, living on my own, living with other roommates so to say, having responsibilities, gaining social skills, and having to be obedient. Seventh, I get to live away from home! This has been a great desire of mine recently, not that I don't love my family and parents, but I see my friends who are living in apartments for college and they are having great experiences that I just cannot have at home. And I know I will be on a mission, but still, it will be living away from home, and when I come back I plan on getting an apartment as soon as I have saved up some money.

So there are seven great things to look forward to on my mission. I also look forward to hearing about people and how their lives are going back here in the States. Laina and Thane could move, Rudi could get married, Mieken and Mike could buy a house, mom and dad could move, friends could go to different schools, get married, etc! But I know that I am doing the right thing by going on a mission and I would not trade this upcoming experience for anything!