Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Backwards Life

I was talking to a good friend the other day on the phone, and just telling him about life and how things are going, when I mentioned to him that my parents moved out into their new house up in Centerville. He then paused and laughed saying "Man, your life is backwards!" It made me laugh and think for a minute that actually yes, my life life is backwards. How many people have their parents move out on them? The thought alone sounds a little humorous. I worry too much about nothing and I care too much about everything. What I worry too much about is girls. I don't even know why. Actually, yes I do. I worry about girls because I want to be in a relationship so bad. However, I worry because I don't want to be in a bad relationship. I only want to be in a good relationship. I am not desperate and will not just get into a relationship with any girl that likes me, because trust me, I don't. But I am looking to find somebody that I really do care about. And I think I have found one. I will keep her name hidden even though whoever reads this knows exactly who I am talking about. Usually when I meet a girl that I think is cute, I start out with a crush on them, and then as I get to know them I become less and less interested in them. This is how it works with 95% of the girls that I meet. However, in this current situation that I am in, it actually started out the opposite. The very first time I met this girl there was no special draw that made me want to get to know her more. But as I kept seeing her, the more and more interested I became in her. Her personality is amazing. She is cute. She is funny (which, most girls I meet aren't). So the real thing that I am trying to say here, is that I hope that things work out here somehow. It would be a bit of a miracle, but I am holding on hope. And actually, it really just hit me today how much I like her. I suddenly realized that I don't care to do anything with other girls anymore. (This is a big step for me). I realized that I would just rather spend time with her than with any other person. I feel good when I am around her. She has a testimony. She is from out of state (I am not sure why I find this attractive, but I am somehow drawn to people not from Utah - and this is before I even know them). I just am ready to be in a relationship. I can settle down a little bit now. But life is good. It is constantly moving. I love it. I love how I feel right now. I am completely smitten, and it feels great. I will post again.