Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mission Call!

And the winner is... Ukraine! Ta da! How excited am I to go to Ukraine? Well if you want to put it in terms of analogies you could compare my excitement to that of the soul of a shoe about to be worn for the first time! Which, you say, might not sound very excited, but honestly, it is one of the greatest examples of excitement anybody in the history of the world could come up with! So my mission is the Kyiv Ukraine mission, or for you native english speakers, Kiev. I will be learning the language of love, Russian! Apparently the majority of people there speak Russian, but sometimes people are discouraged from learning it and are encouraged to learn Ukrainian. So some fun facts:

Ukraine is slightly smaller than Texas, my least favorite state, but Ukraine is now my favorite European Country! (sorry Germany, you lost your spot at number one a week ago!) How ironic!

There are about 47 million people in THE Ukraine. I will be serving in the western half.

The temperature is actually quite moderate, not as cold as one would suspect. Highs reach about 78 in the peak of summer and during the winter the highs are abuot 30 degrees. Not bad if you ask me! Or Jim.

The Ukrainian people are very friendly, though they don't smile much in public.

There are just over 10,000 LDS members in Ukraine according to the LDS Church Website.

A temple is under construction in Kyiv and is expected to be completed in 2010! How excited would that be if I was there for that!

I leave August 26th.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Happy April 7th! What a fantastic time I am having in my life right now! Currently I have very mixed feelings. I am very anxious and excited to receive my mission call, which maybe will be coming tomorrow. But at the same time, I don't want to keep waiting for Wednesday's because each passing day draws closer to Amberlee's departure date. I am very saddened by this. She has made me a much better person and I feel the happiest I have ever felt in my life when I am with her. So these past three months have been amazing. So yes, I am excited to get my mission call, and I hope it comes tomorrow, but as for now, I am happy that it's Tuesday, and that I get this day to be with Amberlee. This was a very unorganized blog, but I just had to get some items off my mind.