Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Thing's I Love

You know, sometimes it takes a moment of silence to reflect on the ever moving road of life. And it is in these moments, I believe, that character is built and forged, as we search ourselves, our lives, trying to see where we are and if we are heading in the right direction. But it is also these moments when we realize how much we truly have in our lives. Amid the shouting and crashing of life, moments like these can be hard to find, but they are so very worth it when we find them.

One of these moments happened tonight, as I was sitting in my living room, talking to my mom. It has been over two years since I have had a late night talk with my mom. I love them. I love them because I love her. I love that we see eye to eye on life, and that our goals are the same: We both want our family to be together forever. I am so grateful for the gospel in my life which gives us this vision of where we are going and of what we can become. I am grateful that my whole family shares this same knowledge, and that it will lead us to become better people every single day of our lives.

I love my mom. I already said this, but it would be silly to think that I could say this enough. My mother is the sweetest, most loving, tender hearted mother there ever could be. She loves her children and thinks and prays about them daily. She worries and prays more about us than she has ever though about herself. She truly shows what it means to be a mother. Her selfless behavior and capacity to love shine through her and touches all with whom she meets. I am sure my mom cares more about me than I will ever understand. I love that I can see her again and give her big hugs throughout the day. I love her.

I love being able to be with my dad. I know life has been busy for him lately with the recent death of his father and with the returning of his son from a mission. But I love how level headed my dad is. He always knows that in the end, things will work out for the best. I am so grateful for his calm and it matches perfectly with my mom, who worries about us all. I love how much he loves his grandchildren, and how much they love him in return. I know he is excited for more to come, and can't wait until both Rudi and I start having kids. He is the best dad, and the perfect grandpa. No little grandkid will be loved so much, as my dad's grandchildren!

I love spending time with my brother, Rudi. He is my best friend and has done such a good job at helping me to be busy and involved in life, and meeting new people. He has been there to talk with me about my mission, as he is the only other member of my family to have served a full time mission. We can talk, and it is so nice to just talk about our missions, about life, about school, and about why things work out the way that they do. Without Rudi, these past two weeks would have been a much lonelier experience.

I love sitting and talking with Laina and Thane, as I get to meet their family once again. I love seeing Hobbes all grown up and Alice still little and smiley. I love that I can go up in the mornings, or Laina can come down, and we can just talk and I can spend time with her family (mostly running with Hobbes). It makes me so grateful for the plan of salvation, and how families just get bigger and better! I love her family, and I love her, as she tries to help me find a job, and keep me feeling up. Laina has always been there for me when I need it the most. I am grateful that she lives so close.

I love the short time I have had to see Mieken and Mike as well. I haven't had much time to see them yet, with Mieken being pregnant and busy, but I am so grateful for them. I love how happy of a couple they are, and how Mieken does her own thing. Recently at our Opa's funeral, Mieken came dressed in her colorful dress of blue, red, green, and yellow, a dress you wouldn't normally expect to see at a funeral. But Mieken wasn't going to give in to the common tradition of wearing a black dress, but instead her dress is just a manifestation of who Mieken really is, and what she truly adds to the world. This funeral was a celebration of life, not a mourning of death. And that's how Mieken always is, happy, and cheerful - always looking to lift others spirits. She is the bright color that lightens up our family.

I love the gospel. I love listening to the words of the prophets and apostles that are so timely and so wise. Their words truly are the words of the Lord, and they will make us happy. I love that during general conference I could listen to their words and apply them to my life, so as to improve upon myself. I love that their advice is practical, helpful, and leads you to do good to others. I love that it helps you forget about yourself and think more about the needs of others.

I love my life. The experiences for the good and bad shape us and make us who we are. How we choose to react to them builds our character and defines us as the individuals we are. I love all the experiences I have had. I hope to choose to make the most of each of them so that my tomorrow's will continue to be as great, and even greater than my yesterday's.

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