Monday, October 27, 2008

Confused Careers

The first few months of college have been filled with fun and new experiences, but it has been even more filled with questions. Mostly, the question hogging all the space is "What are you majoring in?". Well, I don't know what I want to be yet, so here is my typical conversation:

Them: "What do you want to major in?"
Me: "I don't know yet, I am still undecided"
Them: "Oh yeah, well what are you interested in?"
Me: "I don't know"
Them: "Oh"
Me: "Yep"

I don't know, this blog turns more into a place where I can vent than anything really interesting. But for some reason, I feel like I have to major in pre-med, engineering, biology, chemistry, or physics. I feel pressured into taking up one of those as my major, but as of right now, none of those really sound interesting to me. Plus there is the fact that I am not good at any of those subjects, and I feel like I am going to be a bum my whole life. The way I see it, if I don't choose one of those subjects to study then I will be poor my whole life. I know I have to take care of a family some day, but if I don't go into one of those fields will I be able to provide for a family? Will I have enough money for retirement? What about a little extra money for traveling and other activities I want to do? I don't know, I know I still have a while, but I am scared that I won't find a subject that interests me and pays well. I am scared that I will find a job that I like but it won't be a reasonable option because of pay. Or maybe I will force myself into a job that I don't like but it makes money and so I am stuck in a job I hate for the rest of my career. I just don't even know what I am good at or what my skills are to even narrow down career choices. Ugh...

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