Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Summers Understanding

It has been quite the while since I last posted here. But tonight, I started thinking to myself about dating and the types of girls I can see myself in a serious relationship with. I know, I know, I am only 18 at the moment and still have a mission in front of me, so this really shouldn't be a matter of discussion, but I am making it into one. After these first eightteen years of my life, I have never had a girl friend, the only one in my family to not be part of an "item" during their high school and early college years. In fact, I have only ever been on one real date (excludes high school dances). Now, the reason I don't date isn't because I don't have any desire to date, the exact opposite, I want to date probably more than I want to do most everything else in my life! However, I find that the girls that I could ask on dates that I think are cute, are usually girls that I know I will get sick of, thus I don't ask them on a date. I am yet to meet a girl that truly captivates me, a girl that because of her personality I would want to see over and over again. Here comes the sad part, the truth as I currently understand myself. If I ever find a girl that I have pictured in my mind, I will never, ever, date her. Why? Well because I know that deep down inside, the girl that I truly want to date, the girl of my dreams, is far too good for me. I could never get myself to try and catch the girl who I know deserves more than what I have to offer. I know that even if I gave her my all, I would still fall short of what she deserved. I would help her to find the guy that could treat her the way she must be respected. I would be her best friend in order to help her find her way, but I would never be anything more because of the fear I have that I would ruin something special.

1 comment:

LAINA said...


1st off I didn't know you were blogging again or I would have commented awhile ago.

2nd- Don't sell yourself short. You are amazing, and I am not just saying that because I am your sister. You will one day find the perfect girl and she will be so lucky. For now just have fun. Go on lots of dates and be sure that you know what it is you want. There is no harm in a first or second date. Then if there isn't a connection there doesn't have to be any more, but try it out silly.