Monday, November 3, 2008

Valued Friends

I don't have anything planned out in my mind to say, but I just want to say thank you to my friends, especially Lindsay, Caity, and Olivia. You three have had more of an impact in my life than anybody else besides my family. You are the three friends that have never tried to challenge my values, and in fact, you always support me in my decision to follow my religion. I know that having good friends is important and they can help you through the toughest of times, even when you don't know why they are so hard.

I also want to say thank you to Evan and Kendal, both of you have really helped shape me and Evan, you are more understanding than most people I have ever met. And, you are always up to do anything, which most people aren't. Kendal, we have been friends since kindergarten and I don't know what my life would have been like without you as my friend You understand my humor better than anybody else, and we have that extra connection.

Thank you to all of my friends

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