Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring Break As Recorded By Colin - Part II

Hello blogging world! I was unable to type my whole story at work, so I posted the first half, and now I am getting ready to post the second half. And I figure it would be easier to read in two seperate blogs than one big long blog. So hold onto your seats! Here we go!

11:00 Friday Morning : After realizing that it was still early, but that our camper family had left their camp spot available to anyone driving by, we decided to make our way back to our beloved spot. With no real sense of urgency, we coasted on down the canyon until we reached Williams Bottom, where we spotted something askew. Our camp spot had been stolen! It was eleven thirty in the morning! Who would be looking for a camp spot at that hour besides us? Discouragement encompassed round about the vehicle and resentment for this fiendly camper entered our hearts. But it was short lived and we decided it would be best if we continued our search for a new camp spot. We decided to leave the road that lead to Potash, and travel to the other side of the great Colorado. We did so, and we found multiple camping spots, but we couldn't decide which one we wanted because they were all very open to outside viewers, and because Amberlee was fast asleep in the car after about five minutes of driving. How romantic. So with Amberlee out of the decision making process we couldn't adequately vote on a spot to sleep. So we woke her up. Problem solved, we decided to set up camp at Kings Bottom (who decided to come up with these names? Seriously!). We walked around like zombies and set up our tent without too much trouble, and the tent was about a ten person tent. It was giant. Hello portable hotel! Well we did that and then we decided to go and hike the Fiery Furnace back at Arches!

12:00(maybe we lost track of time after camp) Friday Noon, Arches --- We finally made it past the visitors center at Arches National Park! Now we were on to bigger and better things, like balanced rock! Ok, actually we got to Fiery Furnace and started our little escapade down into the winding canyons! We started walking and didn't get very far honestly. It was awesome in there, but every canyon we tried to make our way through lead us to a dead end, unless of course we were expert climbers, which none of us were. So we finally found a cool trail out of a canyon and it was fun maneuvering about so that we could fit through rocks and cracks and all of that good Southern Utah jazz! However, this was very difficult because we couldn't step outside of washes or rock flats because we promised not to ruin the habitat and the environment by stepping on the soil. This soil takes hundreds of years to rebuild and its important to the surviving ecosystem! And everytime we saw this soil, Amberlee and Kristi would sing their song about it "You better not bust the better not hurt the dirt" to the tune of Another One Bites the Dust. Well, we made our way in and out of the canyon alive, with plenty of water and sunshine!

4:00 Friday Afternoon: Fiery Furnace Parking Lot --- This was the most lazy part of the trip. We sat in the car, ate our lunches, and then sat. And sat. And sat. The heat of the day and our lack of sleep had gotten to us. I believe it was at this moment that nobody really said anything or anything that we did say made no sense. It was all kind of a blur. I remember eating a bagel at one point because I forgot to pack a lunch and I took a huge bite unnoticed, or so I thought, by anybody else and I was slowly fitting it into my mouth when Amberlee turned around and saw about half a bagel out of my mouth. Not a good moment for me. We decided to now just drive around and do some little hikes. Problem with that idea was that everybody in the car was super indecisive, and when one person would ask a question nobody would answer. Literally. It would just be silent. Thankfully it was Amberlee's birthday, so whenever that happened I would just say "It's your birthday, so you can choose!" and it usually worked.

Time Friday Afternoon: Arches National Park --- We safely traveled to a few arches and we didn't really know what to do when we got there. Nobody really wanted to hike, but nobody wanted to just sit in the car either. So we decided going on a hike would be the best option. However, this was after a ten minute nap taken by Kristi, inwhich she fell asleep in about ten seconds. Something about that family makes for good sleeping genes. Anyways, and always, we hiked the trail until we saw the arches which were really cool, and made our way back to the car. We decided we should leave and start cooking dinner, a most wonderful idea! However, along the way we stopped at every scenic view there was and looked. That was special.

Time Friday Evening : Kings Bottom Camp Site --- Alas! We made it back to camp! We decided to cook dinner, which was delicious. I love dutch oven cooking. And this taco soup was zesty! It was meatless but it was still delicious, and we had way too much. Its amazing how much food three cans can produce. After dinner we started a fire, which took ages to light, but eventually it sparked and took off. We also made two types of cobler. The black cherry cobler more looked like half powder half cake, because we forgot to add extra water. Yum. Also, the other campers in our group arrived! We talked and played a game, Werewolf, which I won. Its like mafia, only different. While playing this game, Amberlee, having a million nicknames for me, shouted out "Oh Coli Boy!" just as a slip. She claims it just came out. I believe it did. But that didn't stop other people from calling me Coli boy. How unfortunate a turn of events! From cobler to name calling. Everybody laughed. I laughed. Amberlee felt bad. But this name continued to stick with me throughout the rest of the trip.

Midnight Saturday: Tent --- For those of you who don't know, Amberlee and her family are strange when it comes to sleeping and sharing beds with sisters. The whole trip Amberlee and Kristi tried to make me feel uncomfortable by holding hands or wanting to share sleeping bags. I frowned upon this. Well, while I was in the tent, I heard whispering. For a second I thought they were just trying to be quiet so that they didn't wake people up. But then I heard one of them say "But we have to be connected somehow!" I looked up and slyly smiled at them. They both erupted in laughter. Their sneaking failed! Then I fell asleep.

9:00 Saturday Morning: Camping Spot --- I woke up that morning after sleeping well all night. I woke up thinking that everyone was still asleep, however when I looked around me, only Joe was sleeping still. I knew that was my cue to get out of bed and help with breakfast. For the next few hours thats all that happened: breakfast and more breakfast. 

11:30 Saturday Morning: Arches --- We made it to Arches as an entire group. You can call this trip successful! Our first visit was to the greatest arch of them all, Delicate Arch. What a beautiful site this place really is! And it becomes even more spectacular when you realize that there really is no cliff on either side, it is a lone standing arch. This is not my first time seeing it, but it still amazes me every time I see it. While on the walk Amberlee asked the group if Speedo's were awkward because she knows of my love for them. This has been a continual debate since January. Every single person in our group agreed with her and it disheartened me for a minute, but then realized thats what makes Speedo's so great! I finally sucked up my pride and admitted that she won the argument, but that I still adored my Speedo. She made a disgusted face. 

2:00 Saturday Afternoon: Lunch Area --- We ate lunch. It was windy and cold. 

3:00 Saturday Afternoon : Landscape Arch, Partitioned Arch, Broken Arch --- We saw all three of these. They were all very beautiful. I am getting a little bit bored of writing about these hikes, but all in all let me just say this was a particularly fun hike. 

6:30 Saturday Evening: Arches National Park --- What a trip this had been, but it was time to pack up and leave for home. We journeyed our way through Wellington and Price, even stopping for dinner at BK, and then we dropped off everybody in Provo and made it back to Salt Lake around 11:20. 

Well gang, I had a most wonderfully fantastic weekend! Nothing but smiles and month old catalogs! 

1 comment:

LAINA said...

You should have taken the tour in the Fiery Furnace. Then you don't get lost and they take you to all the cool places. Oh well. Next time. Whenever that may be. Glad you have had your fill of Arches before you leave on your mission.