Monday, January 19, 2009

The Date

So, for all your curious readers out there, I will tell you about my date with said girl from last post! So first off, to let everybody know, I really had no idea what I was going to do for a date until about four today, and so I want to say thank you to everybody who gave me ideas! So first off we went to Color Me Mine, which I had never been to before, and neither had she. So thats a big plus. So we get in there and choose go to the front and the girl working explains everything to us. So we both choose plates and get head over to the paint colors to see which would look good on our plates. I chose Indigo, some sort of deep blue, black, an orange, and I think thats it. However, I was pleasantly surprised at how well my art work turned out! Amberlee's plate was way cool though. She was able to draw cool patterns on it that impressed me. I couldn't have done that. Anyway, the painting was fun, but my favorite part was just being with her. I will tell you what, whenever I am with her I am so happy. Honestly, when I spend time with her, even just talking, I feel so good about life! This is honestly the happiest few weeks of my life in a long time, and I want to say thank you to Amberlee. I really want to spend every spare minute I have with her because it just makes my day. She is so pretty and kind, and she is unique, which really attracts me to her. I like how she can fit in with everybody, yet she is her own person and doesn't try to change for other people. Anyway, after coloring our pots, which by the way was incredibly cheap thanks for some unknown reason, we made our way to Red Butte Cafe! It was tasty and pretty empty. I guess it was a Monday night, and about eight, so not many people are dining at this fine hour. So the meal was fine, but it was good to just continue talking. I just like talking with her. She looked so pretty tonight, too! Her hair was straight and she was wearing a nice brown jacket with a yellow shirt, and cool earrings. She knows how to dress. I really like her, and at times I think she likes me too, but I am not so sure. I can never tell. However, she said she was very nervous prior to the date, which I think is a good thing because it means maybe she likes me. I don't know. Hopefully thats what it means. Oh, well I am just too happy right now, and I need to tell her that I like her but I don't know when or how to bring it up! Help on that part would be appreciated! Goodnight!

Oh P.S. I want to give a special thanks to my sister for letting me use her car, it was greatly appreciated!


LAINA said...

I'm not going to give advice at this time but I want to say YEAH! I am glad your date went so well. And it was not a big deal at all to let you use the car. IT would have just sat parked on the road so I am glad you were able to take it.

Lindsay said...

You need to tell her you like her! I would maybe be more hesitant in other situations, but it sounds like you like her a lot and that the next best thing you can do is tell her! You never know, maybe she is just waiting to hear it!