Friday, January 30, 2009

A Very Special Thank You!

I just want to say thank you to all those people who make my life great! Thanks mom for being the best mother I could ever ask for! I struggle to comprehend how anybody, even Heavenly Father, could love me more than you love me. And thank you dad for always being the comic relief that I need so much in my life! You always joke, literally, always. And I know that if there are ever any cookies I cannot wait more than 24 hours if I want to actually eat one. Thank you Mieken for always talking to me whenever you call. You are so fun to be around and you always invite me to go do activities with you and Mike. Even though I don't go most of the time, it still means a lot to me that you invite me! Laina, thank you for always being kind to me, and even teasing me by calling me uncle Colin, or your little mongoose. I am excited to meet baby Uli! I always look up to you as a good example in my life. Rudi, thanks for being my older brother and joking around with me. I can laugh harder with you than with most anybody else! There are times when somebody says something and we both just look at each other and laugh because we understand each other so well. Thanks for always making me smile. Thank you Mike for being that brother in law that always puts empty plates around me. I have always gotten along with you and its always fun when you are here for dinner. Thane, even though we don't like the same sports teams in pretty much any sport, its fun to have a brother in law upstairs. Thanks for talking to me and wanting me to be in your group for class, and for being so goofy.

Kendal, thanks for being my best friend throughout the years. I have had a lot of good memories with you and I am so glad that you have stayed strong to the church because it has helped me out in my testimony. Thanks for understanding my humor and for just always joking around with me. We share a lot of things in common and its so fun to have somebody to relate to all the time. I am ging to miss you, but have fun in Argentina!

Evan, you have been there along with Kendal. It has been great having you as friend to always go and play basketball, tennis, or whatever. I have always enjoyed our long walks up through the city. You are probably the funniest kid I know. Thanks.

Lindsay, we have been friends for a long time now and you are one of the most caring people I know. You don't have a mean bone in your body, and I want to say thank you for always taking the time to ask how I am doing. Thanks for getting on the level of friendship that we can talk to each other about anything. You're great.

Olivia, you haven't really done much to impress me. Just kidding! I know I give you a hard time all the time, but you are so fun and smart. If ever I have a question I know that I can ask you and you will have an answer. You are so kind to me, thanks.

Geoff. We have been friends since elementary also, and I have so many good memories watching BYU games with you. Thanks for always giving me a call to do something. Sorry I am not always free. But you are one of the funniest and best kids I know. You are a good guy. Keep going strong.

Caity. I want to say thanks you for being my super liberal friend! I enjoy our talks because we can talk rationally and logically about different subjects but still be friends. Not to mention I love joking around with you because its so much fun! You're also a genius.

Amberlee. I want to say thank you for making my 2009! Honestly, you have been so much fun to be around and I feel so comfortable around you! Whenever I am with you I just can't help but smile! Honestly, really all I really want to do these days is just go and see because you will be leaving back for Idaho soon, which makes me really sad. But thanks for being so nice, friendly, and happy. I feel so good any time I am around you.

And thanks to all those that I didn't mention in this blog, but who help me out along the way. I appreciate everything you guys (and gals) do for me!

1 comment:

LAINA said...

Oh, of course you are welcome. And you can count on the teasing for years to come.