Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Wow! What a complete opposite feeling from yesterday! Well, as you know, my last post was very sad sounding, but shortly after I wrote it, I felt better. And my feelings turned from deep sadness to ecstasy with a few short hours! Why was this? Because of Amberlee. Amberlee is currently living here and will until the end of March, but I can't help but feel happy when I am around her, and it is such a true feeling of joy that I always want to be around her, or at least talk to her. I have a date with her on Monday that I am way excited for. I don't know what to say, but I just have so much fun even just talking to her, I have never really experienced that before. I mean I enjoy talking to most people, but I would rather spend my time with Amberlee than anybody else. This last week we went ice skating, played cards, built a snowman, played Wii Fit, went to the temple, went to a fireside, and went on a walk together. And when we are not with each other we are constantly texting each other. And since we have started hanging out, I used to think other girls were cute, but now I could care less about them. I just am excited and I need to tell her that I like her, but I am kind of scared too! The very first time I saw her sitting at church I thought she was cute, but we didn't talk much that summer. However, this past summer she has grown to become one of my favorite people. I am just so happy when I think about her. We can talk and joke together, and she likes to go out and do stuff, which I also like to do, but my other friends aren't as "go out and get it done" as she is. I could keep on going on, but I think I will end now. Yay!

1 comment:

LAINA said...

Yeah! She is cute, tell her you like her. I hope your date went well. I will ask you about it when I get home.