Tuesday, August 25, 2009
A Farewell to the Wounded
So for my last post I want to say a little farewell. A farewell to the wounded, in fact. To all those who will miss my ever beaming laugh, or to those who will no longer get to poke my nose. For my witty remarks, and sarcastic humor that many people seem not to understand, myself included sometimes. Tomorrow, I make a new path in my life. I step off the old familiar trail and journey into a new, less familiar trail, one surrounded by leaping and wailing, scruples and rubles. Actually, I am not sure what the Ukrainian currency is, but when I find out I will let you all know! Now you have something to look forward to! Or you and I could just google it, which would be easy, fast, and reliable, but due to lack of buildup and excitement, I think you should wait until you get a letter or email from me.
Again, I speak to you, wounded. You have been with me to the end. You have stuck your fist in the ground, and pulled up ripe apple seeds! I am not sure what that means, but it must mean something important. And you have all cared so much for me, of this I say thank you! You have all been such a good support to me! And when I say "you all" I mean the like four of you who read this. But thank you to you all!
And now, for my closing remarks. Life, as we all know it, is a circle, a circle of life. There is no beginning, save birth, and there is no end, save death. And even then, death is more worked up than it ought to be. Its really just a passage way to more life, so really life is like a line. It starts, with birth, but continues on forever! Past planes, plains, and Prussia.
Now for my real closing remarks because my last ones were just silly. Thank you everyone for supporting me. Thanks for being my friend. Thanks for being my sister (Laina- I think you get more shout outs than anyone!). Thank you for all the help you have given me throughout the years, and I look forward to serving my mission! I know that what I am doing is the most important thing I could do in my life. I want you all to know that my mission has been a life time goal, and that there is nothing I would rather be doing. This is the most important thing in my life right now, and I hope that I can become the missionary God knows I can be.
Goodbye for now, until we meet again!
Monday, July 6, 2009
My Travel List
1. The Savannah in Africa and go on a Safari. .
2. Travel to Iceland, explore, hike, and enjoy!
3. Germany. I have to visit the homeland.
4. Italy. It is Italy, you have to love the history and culture.
5. Greece. So far the list is pretty normal for most people, but normal is alright and so is Greece!
6. Jerusalem. Lots of history and religious significance.
7. Egypt. The pyramids would be spectacular and well, there are more than just pyramids there!
8. Australia. Its a land unlike any other place on Earth.
Now these last two are left blank because I am not sure yet. I want to find two places that will be fun for many reasons, so I will have to do my research on the matter and I will post them sometime!
A Mission And A Life
So recently everybody has been going on missions, that is everybody besides those who haven't, myself included. But life is strange for me right now. It is sort of like I am in a freeze frame while everybody else is moving on with their lives. Its not that I don't like this, it is just different. I enjoy looking at other people and seeing them plan for their lives and for next semester and their lives just carry on, but mine will be spend studying Russian, the gospel, and living in Provo for three months. I really am so excited to go, it just still seems forever away. But everyday it draws nearer, the shadow of a relatively unknown lifestyle looms larger. I am excited to go to Ukraine for mulitple reasons and these are them in no order of importance, just as they pop into my head. First, I have never been out of the country and this will be a great experience for me. Second, I know relatively little about Ukraine and I will become a pretty good expert on it by thye time I return. Third, I get to learn Russian, a challenging language, but a skill that will stick with me the rest of my life. Fourth, I get to be a missionary! This has been a goal of mine since I can remember, well actually maybe since I was about ten. Before that, the prospect of leaving my family for two years seemed unimaginable. Fifth, I get to teach a message that will bring true joy to others and that I love with all my heart. This could probably fit into number four, but I decided that it deserved its own number. Sixth, I will get to learn skills that will help me throughout my life. Cooking, studying, working hard, living on my own, living with other roommates so to say, having responsibilities, gaining social skills, and having to be obedient. Seventh, I get to live away from home! This has been a great desire of mine recently, not that I don't love my family and parents, but I see my friends who are living in apartments for college and they are having great experiences that I just cannot have at home. And I know I will be on a mission, but still, it will be living away from home, and when I come back I plan on getting an apartment as soon as I have saved up some money.
So there are seven great things to look forward to on my mission. I also look forward to hearing about people and how their lives are going back here in the States. Laina and Thane could move, Rudi could get married, Mieken and Mike could buy a house, mom and dad could move, friends could go to different schools, get married, etc! But I know that I am doing the right thing by going on a mission and I would not trade this upcoming experience for anything!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I will say that it has been quite rainy the last week which is good because I love the rain, but I am also looking forward to nice weather and sitting outside. I enjoy the sun and its warmth.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The Three Month Count-Down
Also, to make note of, my missionary farewell will be the 23rd of August. I think this is great because as most of you know, I was born on the 23rd at 7:23. So there are lots of important 23's in my life. I sometimes think this is foreshadowing of some great sports achievement in my life. Jordan, Lebron, Colin.
I don't really have much more to say besides that I am sure the three months will fly by faster than I expect. Before you know it, there will be no more "The Wolfgang Story." Instead it will be Letters of Solice written by Elder Matthes as scribed from the MTC and Ukraine.
Ta ta!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Short Post
I actually don't really know what to say besides the last two weeks I have felt down and its for a few reasons I guess. I am starting to feel better now so life will be well in time! That is all I have to say.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Mission Call!
Ukraine is slightly smaller than Texas, my least favorite state, but Ukraine is now my favorite European Country! (sorry Germany, you lost your spot at number one a week ago!) How ironic!
There are about 47 million people in THE Ukraine. I will be serving in the western half.
The temperature is actually quite moderate, not as cold as one would suspect. Highs reach about 78 in the peak of summer and during the winter the highs are abuot 30 degrees. Not bad if you ask me! Or Jim.
The Ukrainian people are very friendly, though they don't smile much in public.
There are just over 10,000 LDS members in Ukraine according to the LDS Church Website.
A temple is under construction in Kyiv and is expected to be completed in 2010! How excited would that be if I was there for that!
I leave August 26th.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Spring Break As Recorded By Colin - Part II
Thursday, March 26, 2009
A Break
8:00 Thursday Night : The Grocery Store --- After realizing that I had yet to pack any provisions for the camping trip, Amberblee stopped by and picked me up to go to Smith's Marketplace. We roamed through the isles and gazed at thousands of items of food. Luckily, even though so many foods were calling out to me, Nutrigrain bars won due to the fact that they were on sale! One box of nutrigrain bars, check! After that, I was pretty much stumped as to what to purchase. With such a wide variety of foods, which food would really fill me up? Cereal? No, not practicle for a camping trip without milk. Frozen pizza? Nope! Say goodbye to that extra thin crust! Then, on the end isle, sitting sheepishly and looking at me as cute as could be was a bag of blueberry bagles! Yes! This is what I had been waiting for! These bagles would lift me up to a new level, set me on a pedistool above the common man. Now, shopping was over. Time to head h ome and pack right? Wrong. If you have forgotten, Thursday was the first day of March Madness, so accordingly, I spent the rest of the evening watching that.
11:00 Thursday Night : My Room --- The games now over, and my realizing that I had to wake up in three hours, I decided that packing my belongings was a grand idea. It started with clothes and ultimately ended up with the packing of pad, pillow, and sleeping bag - sleeping bag case included! That was an exciting part to the story.
12:00 Midnight Friday Morning: My Room --- Time to go to sleep. And Amberlee's birthday! Happy Birthday Darlin'!
2:00 Friday Morning : My Bed --- Multiple alarms go off at decible levels uncommon to wake up to. Frightens me half to death, then I realize I need to get up and shower so as to smell and look nice for the day. And did I ever smell nice! I was complimented multiple times on it. Thank you Irish Springs!
2:30 Friday Morning : My Porch --- I walk outside with all my gear in hand when not thirty seconds goes by and Amberlee pulls up in her sweet Purple Chrystler. She is quite possibly the most punctual on time person ever. Its amazing. I put my gear in the car, say hello, say happy birthday, and we hit the road for Provo!
3:30ish Friday Morning : Provo Mainstreet --- Amberlee heads the wrong way to find her sisters apartment. We turn around and come back. We are lost. Amberlee almost runs a red light as we search for her sisters apartment and has to slam on the brakes and the car wheels screech. About a minute later, Amberlee runs a red light. We find her sisters apartment and help her pack up the car, where we stash our "crack" A.K.A. Chex Mix. Shhh. We hit the road again after a brief stop off at the local grocery store.
4:00 Friday Morning : Mouth of Spanish Fork Canyon --- We drive past giant windmills. They are awesome. We discuss why there is a red light flashing on them and how many birds die from flying into them. This concept confuses me but seems perfectly logical to Amberlee and her sister Kristi. Why not just fly above them?
4:30 Friday Morning : Spanish Fork Canyon --- We almost hit a deer. Kristi states she will go to sleep in the car so that she can take over for Amberlee and not fall asleep while driving. Kristi wakes up every five minutes to check on Amberlee to see if she is awake and doing alright. I sit in back and laugh. The moon looks awesome. Kristi and Amberlee switch driving, eventually arriving at Green River.
6:20 Friday Morning : Green River --- I drive to Arches while everybody else sleeps.
7:20 Friday Morning : Arches National Park --- We arrive and pull up to the visitors center in order to try and obtain a camp site. We are not the first hopefull people, but about the sixth. At seven thirty, they open the doors and announce that only the first three groups will receive a camp spot. Disappointed, we head back to the car and eat wonderful bran muffins. We sit in the car for a rather long time not really doing anything. Amberlee's phone happens to move around the car mysteriously. The car is already a mess. We decide to go and find a campsite after filling up our water bottles. Here is where the real problems arise. Instead of filling up our water bottles, we decide to leave the park, though not intentionally. As we are about to leave, I comment "weren't we going to fill up our water bottles?" The answer is a resounding "yes!" and so Amberlee attempts to reverse back into the parking lot. This is hysterical. Other cars wait as we try to maneuver about the lot backwards. We fill up our waterbottles and decide that its time to leave for camp. After about fifteen minutes of Amberlee making fun of me for just about everything I do, we finally leave Arches. But wait! We cannot find our ticket to get back into the park! We search the car, emptying seats and the trunk. It's nowhere to be found. Confused and aloof from coherent thought, we just sit there not sure of what to do and laughing from tiredness. We decide to check the bathrooms and anywhere else we had been at the visitors center. Kristi finds it in the orientation room where we had watching a most thrilling version of protecting cryptobiotic soil. So with a new found energy for finding a camping spot, we leave Arches!
9:00 Friday Morning : Williams Bottom Campground --- We find a beautiful, hidden little camp ground that would keep us in our own little world out in the wilderness, but there is only one problem: it is occupied. So the girls send me out to ask if it will be available that night. Using all the charm I can muster up I asked the man at the campsite if they will be spending the next night there also. He says no, and that we can take it in a few hours when they pack up. What grand news! Now we have two hours to go on a little hike or do whatever we would like. We decide to go look at old dinosaur footprints in the rocks. That was pretty cool. Everybody likes dinosaurs. At this time we also decide to throw rocks at cacti and across the road. Amberlee almost hits a few bikers. I throw I giant rock at a cactus and it smashes it. We all laugh. Take that cactus! Remember eleven years ago when you put spikes in my butt? Yeah, well so do I. We then move on to another hike because that didn't take so long. As we get there, we start hiking and there are a few people in front of us. The guy turns around sees us, looks forward and then does a quick double take. He turns to me and asks "Did you guys get the campsite?" I sit there a minute confused as to who this man is, but I realize its the guy that I had talked to earlier! We have a quick team meeting and decide to finish the hike because it's still early morning and its a gook hike. Now, I don't know if anybody knows this, but Amberlee is fond of creating nicnames for people. She already has a few for me. Well, while we are walking having a good time, Amberlee casually asks "Hey, Colin, can I call you CB?" I think for a minute of all the possible things this could mean. I can't seem to come up with any sort of meaning behind it. Then I hear laughing from Kristi. "Cactus Butt!" she says! And then it hits me! Amberlee has been telling her sisters many facts about my life, especially the embarrassing ones. I cannot believe that she thought of that before me. In fact, I was so shocked she even knew about it that I could barely utter out an objection to the nic name!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Spring is in the Air!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Baton Rouge

I am not thoroughly convinced that I will go on my mission to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, but almost. Why am I so convinced? I have had two dreams that that is where I am going, and today, as I was looking at my coin map of the 50 states with their quarters in tact, I notice that Louisiana was missing. Coincidence? Maybe, but as for now I am thinking that is where I will get my call. Only time will tell though. Maybe it is just because of the first dream I had that I keep on thinking about it. I mean, this mission call thing is on my mind probably about three hours of every day. Maybe I am just paranoid and telling myself that is what is going to happen. Who knows, certainly not I.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
A Very Special Thank You!
Kendal, thanks for being my best friend throughout the years. I have had a lot of good memories with you and I am so glad that you have stayed strong to the church because it has helped me out in my testimony. Thanks for understanding my humor and for just always joking around with me. We share a lot of things in common and its so fun to have somebody to relate to all the time. I am ging to miss you, but have fun in Argentina!
Evan, you have been there along with Kendal. It has been great having you as friend to always go and play basketball, tennis, or whatever. I have always enjoyed our long walks up through the city. You are probably the funniest kid I know. Thanks.
Lindsay, we have been friends for a long time now and you are one of the most caring people I know. You don't have a mean bone in your body, and I want to say thank you for always taking the time to ask how I am doing. Thanks for getting on the level of friendship that we can talk to each other about anything. You're great.
Olivia, you haven't really done much to impress me. Just kidding! I know I give you a hard time all the time, but you are so fun and smart. If ever I have a question I know that I can ask you and you will have an answer. You are so kind to me, thanks.
Geoff. We have been friends since elementary also, and I have so many good memories watching BYU games with you. Thanks for always giving me a call to do something. Sorry I am not always free. But you are one of the funniest and best kids I know. You are a good guy. Keep going strong.
Caity. I want to say thanks you for being my super liberal friend! I enjoy our talks because we can talk rationally and logically about different subjects but still be friends. Not to mention I love joking around with you because its so much fun! You're also a genius.
Amberlee. I want to say thank you for making my 2009! Honestly, you have been so much fun to be around and I feel so comfortable around you! Whenever I am with you I just can't help but smile! Honestly, really all I really want to do these days is just go and see because you will be leaving back for Idaho soon, which makes me really sad. But thanks for being so nice, friendly, and happy. I feel so good any time I am around you.
And thanks to all those that I didn't mention in this blog, but who help me out along the way. I appreciate everything you guys (and gals) do for me!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Mission Day
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
A Leg Length Performance
The past two weeks have been some of the happiest moments in my life. I can't seem to put a finger on all the things that have made me so happy, but I am trying to figure it out. Whether its my uncontrollable desire to eat fruit snacks and the actual consuming of them may play a part. There isn't much better in life than fruit and candy, so when you combine the two the results are electrifying! Maybe I am happy because school started up again, but I highly doubt that. Maybe its a combination of the feeling that spring is coming along and the fact that I am twitterpated. Who knows, whatever the reason, I enjoy it. Life is good. Sorry, I probably can't use that because its trademarked by Life Is Good company. Instead I will say, The splendor of life surrounds me!
Monday, January 19, 2009
The Date
Oh P.S. I want to give a special thanks to my sister for letting me use her car, it was greatly appreciated!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Ressurected Nightmare
About once a week somebody will ask me when I will be healthy enough to play basketball again, and up until now, I have said that in a few months I will be playing again. However, when they ask now, I have to get the courage to tell them that I cannot play, not today, not tomorrow, not ever.
Monday, January 5, 2009
A Good Book
After finishing a good book, which is usually any book that I read, I always find it hard to pick up a new one because I want to keep in my memory that old book, and those feelings which I experienced during my reading. Sometimes, after finishing a book, I look at my life and wish it were like the book I had just read. I wish that I could have the adventures found in these old words. I wish that my life wasn't so bland, and that it would be vivid and full of color and life. I love a good book and the friends I have made from them.